1. To  receive  a  copy  of  the  database,  Researcher  must sign  this  document,   observing the restrictions listed below.  The signed document should be digitized and sent through email to: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. (Marly Costa, Federal University of Amazonas – UFAM, Manaus – Amazonas, Brazil)
  2. Once received a request, we will forward a link to access and download of database.




The first image databases of conventional sputum smear microscopy of tuberculosis patients is being available to the other research groups to test their algorithms and compare with other proposals developed.  The major purpose of this database is expected to potentiate the systems development, in the shortest possible time, to support the automatic diagnosis of tuberculosis.

The  sputum smear slides  of which images were acquired to be used  by   project "Evaluation of alternative dyes for diagnosing Tuberculosis" held from 2008 to 2010, which was approved, under protocol number 186/08, by the Ethics Committee on Human Research – CEP/INPA (National Institute for Research in the Amazon)

The Biomedical Engineering research group from the Federal University of Amazonas (henceforth, “GPEB-UFAM”) owns copyright of the images and serves as the unique source for the databases distributed exclusively to research purposes.

All requests must be submitted by the principal investigator (henceforth “Researcher”) on behalf of the commercial or academic institutions that wishes to use of databases.  


Researcher agrees to the following terms and conditions:

  1. The databases, in whole or in part, will not be distributed, published or disseminated in anyway.
  2. The  databases  may  not  be  used  to  any  other  purposes  than  internal  research  in  the Researcher institution.
  3. All  documents  and  papers  that  report  on  research  that  uses  portions  of  image databases must include an appropriate citation:  


”Kimura Junior, A., Costa, M. G.  F., Costa Filho, C. F. F., Evaluation of autofocos functions of conventional sputum smear microscopy for tuberculosis. Proceedings of 32nd Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference, 2010, Buenos Aires. V.1, p. 3041-3044”



“Costa Filho, C. F. F.,Levy, P.C.; Xavier, M.; Costa, M. G.  F., Fujimoto, L. B. M.; Salem, J. Micobacterium tuberculosis recognition with conventional microscopy, Proceedings of 34th Annual International IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, 2012, San Diego. V.1, p. 6263-6268”

4. A  copy  of  all  reports  and  papers  that  use  the databases and are for public or general release must be forwarded immediately upon release  or publication to  email address: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.


Download the document to request
